
Install mysql and phpmyadmin ubuntu 16.04
Install mysql and phpmyadmin ubuntu 16.04

install mysql and phpmyadmin ubuntu 16.04
  1. Install mysql and phpmyadmin ubuntu 16.04 install#
  2. Install mysql and phpmyadmin ubuntu 16.04 software#

The next step is to make sure that MySQL is installed. Press Y and hit Enter when prompted to confirm the installation Verifying Installation of MySQL Database Server

Install mysql and phpmyadmin ubuntu 16.04 install#

If this is the case, update the package information index and install Apache using the commands below: $ sudo apt-get update If Apache is not installed, the output will look as follows: Active: inactive (dead) If Apache is installed and running, you should see the below output: Active: active (running) since Tue 00:49:19 EAT 10h ago To check whether Apache is installed, run the command below: $ service apache2 status | grep active Prior to installing phpMyAdmin, you should ensure that Apache web server, MySQL server and PHP packages are installed. Step 1: Verifying the Installation of LAMP Stack Login to the ECS server with a non-root user account that can perform sudo privileges.Install LAMP stack (PHP, MySQL server and PHP).Provision an Alibaba Cloud ECS instance with Ubuntu 16.04 as the operating system.Sign up now and get free credit if you don't have an account already. This is a comprehensive tutorial that takes you through the steps of setting up and securing phpMyAdmin on your Elastic Compute Service (ECS) Ubuntu 16.04 server running on Alibaba Cloud.

install mysql and phpmyadmin ubuntu 16.04

While it is accessed over the internet, this opens up a security challenge for developers as the application must be well set up and secured. Its graphical web interface and advanced features such as ability to import and export data in CSV and SQL format makes phpMyAdmin an acceptable tool for managing mission critical database management systems. Due to its intuitive interface, well documented reading materials and wide range of support from developers, PhpMyAdmin is considered as one of the best and mature Open-source projects. The application also enables users to directly execute SQL statements.

Install mysql and phpmyadmin ubuntu 16.04 software#

The Open-source software is written in PHP and is widely adopted by developers to run database operations such as creating databases, tables, columns, indexes, permissions and users. PhpMyAdmin is a web-based Graphical User Interface (GUI) application for administering MySQL and MariaDB database servers. Tech Share is Alibaba Cloud's incentive program to encourage the sharing of technical knowledge and best practices within the cloud community. By Francis Ndungu, Alibaba Cloud Tech Share Author.

Install mysql and phpmyadmin ubuntu 16.04